Sunday, November 9, 2008

John Key is NOT my homeboy.

OK, so I was going to make a video about this, but I feel like the topic is too dry.

Just under 24 hours ago, NZ elected the National party and John Key to lead the country. This ends 9 years of strong and all together very good leadership from Helen Clark and Labour. They have now been unceremoniously removed from their post. While speaking to party faithful last night, Clark made the announcement that she is stepping down as leader. I'm not going to deny it, I shed a tear for her. She has been an amazing leader, and it pains me to see her removed by the slime-bag that is John Key. I know she is destined for bigger and better things. I firmly believe that she will be the next Secretary-General of the UN.

Now, while I am deeply saddened to see her go, this is not the biggest of my worries. My fear is that National has the propensity to fuck things up in a very short space of time when they are in power. What's worse is that they can justify almost anything by saying that the economic climate forced them to do it. I'm scared by what could happen in the next three years, and what kind of effects it has on the future of the country.

After sitting on this for a day, and giving it my best analysis from a political science perspective, I've come to the conclusion that NZ has voted for the short term. Looking at John Key's speech last night, you could see his wife was very timid and shy on stage, and didn't look like she even wanted to be seen. This, it seems, is exactly what NZ wants: a 'strong' man, with his wife holed up at home doing her domestic duties, and the children going through a good private school education. This makes me sick.

Steve Braunias made a wonderful point in this morning's Sunday Star-Times. I paraphrase here, but what he essentially said was that Labour had the maths wrong with their "Two John's" advertisement. In fact, there isn't even one John. He's an airhead, almost on the scale of Sarah Palin. Anyone who voted for 'change', anyone who voted for 'financial experience', anyone who voted for fucking tax cuts, here is your fucking saviour. I just pray that this National administration falls apart in this first term, as it is likely to do. John Key is simply a puppet.

Once again, it will fall to Labour to clean up the scraps from a National government who can't see the bigger picture.

You may say that this is all speculation, and I'm extrapolating too far. You would be wrong. Study any of the recent National administrations, and compare it to Helen Clark's government. You'll see the light.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Gah. Amazingly well put. Totally agree about them fucking up in the short period they'll be in. I'm quite excited to see Phil Goff lead but I miss Aunty Helen & Uncle Michael already :'( I cried too. She's an amazing individual. A Job at the UN would be so well suited for her!!
