Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm Moving...

I realise it has been ages since I've posted here, and there's a reason for that.

There have been a number of instances where I wanted to blog, but couldn't be bothered signing in etc, because I set this up under a different email to my regular email address. Thus, because Blogger is owned by Google, I have to sign out of one gmail, then into the other, and then into here, and it's just a hassle when all I want to do is blog.

So, I'm moving. You'll now be able to find my blog over at

This way, I can easily manage it. It'll still be the same type of blog, while my other tumblr ( will be where I'm using it more as a social networking space. This move is only for ease of use, and more regular updates.

Now, sadly I am not technically gifted enough to import my Blogger posts into tumblr, this site will remain up, so should you feel so inclined, you can go back and read old posts.

Anyways, I'm not expecting all of you to convert over, and that's fine. I just need a blogging space as an outlet.

Kia Ora,